Support: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: If I am a DUI Coordinator, can I see other Districts' Case Information in the Titan DUI Tracker Application?
A: No, as a DUI Coordinator you can only see the district’s information for which your DUI Tracker user account has been assigned.

Q: How do I view the details of an existing case?
A: From the Home Page, click on Search/Edit button, type in the necessary information to find the particular case, from the serach results (note if only one record meets the search criteria, you will be taken directly to the Case detail page) and select the hyperlinked Tracker # to view the Case detail information.

Q: How do I Modify the details of an existing Case?
A: You can modify the details of a particular case by clicking on the Case detail page where you can select a particular field to change the data. Once the data has been modified, select the “Save All” button at the bottom of the screen to save the changes

Q: How do I add charges to a Case?
A: You can add charges to a particular Case by going to the Case detail page, select the “Add Charge” button on the right-hand side. Once selected, a new charge section will dynamically expand where the charge information can be entered. Once complete, select “Save this Charge” and the charge information will be added to the Case.

Q: How do I modify charges in a Case?
A: You can modify charge information for a particular Case by going to the Case detail page; select the “View Details” button for the particular charge you would like to modify. Once selected, the charge section with existing data will dynamically expand and the charge information can then be modified. Once complete, select “Save this Charge” and the modified charge information will be saved to the Case.

Q: Can I have multiple Charges per Case?
A: Yes, you can enter in multiple charges per Case.

Q: Is there a History of the change/disposition that is made on a Case?
A: Yes, there is a history that is kept for each charge. Under each charge you can select the “View Details” button, on the right-hand side there will be a section labeled “Charge/Disposition History” where this information will be contained.

Q: What are the required fields to enter to create a new Case?
A: 1. Incident Date, 2. Arrestee Last Name, 3. Judicial County, 4. Charge - Offense # (only 1 needed), 5. Charge - TCA code (only 1 needed)

Q: What is the difference between Amended, Nolle Prose, and Retired?
A: a. Amended – Amended to corrected offense, e.g., the defendant is charged with one offense, but by trial/settlement date prior offense(s) have rolled off and it is no longer the correct offense, to correct typos made in the original document, jail credit, sentencing, offender status and/or release eligibility being left blank (in the event of a felony) etc. b. Nolle Prose – A form of dismissal/retirement, e.g., the defendant doesn’t plead guilty, the case is set aside for 11/29 and if they don’t get in trouble in that year, the case is dismissed upon review. It could be used in lieu of an abatement order, officer left the department in which charges were initiated, NSF evidence to obtain prosecution, etc. c. Retired - Applies to cases that have been indicted and have gone stale due to defendant’s FTA in court for long periods of time, old unserved capiases, etc. This removes the case from the courts active docket but does not dismiss the charges. If a case is continued for 11/29 so that the defendant can complete certain court ordered items, such as a long rehab stint, or some other program that lasts an extended period of time, and if the defendant completes successfully with no issues, the case can be closed.

Activity Reports
Q: Can I change the information in a weekly report once I have submitted it for review to my supervisor?
A: No, not once it has been submitted. The supervisor can change the content and approve or reject the report, at which point the report will come back to you in your “rejected” queue and allow you to edit the report.

Q: Can I put time and activity information in for a time period in the future?
A: No. You can only enter in time for the current week or prior weeks.

Q: Can I view the Status of my weekly reports?
A: Yes, On the Home page under the “Trooper Activity Report” section there are four(4) statuses that the reports can be in. The Trooper can click on any one of those 4 boxes to view their reports. There will be a number value in each of the four(4) boxes representing the record count if a record exists with that particular status.
  1. Open\Incomplete = meaning weekly reports that the Trooper has created but have not yet been submitted.
  2. Pending = meaning weekly reports submitted to their supervisor for approval but have not yet been approved and or rejected.
  3. Rejected = meaning weekly reports that the supervisor has reviewed and rejected and need fixed for resubmission. Once the Trooper fixes the items requested they can resubmit the Report to the Supervisor. At which point the status will become Pending again.
  4. Approved = meaning weekly reports that the supervisor has reviewed and approved. Approved records will stay in this box for a period of 1 year, after which they will be automatically removed. To view an approved record older than 1 year, you can click on the time/activity link and enter the date for the desired record.

Q: As a supervisor, where do I go to review and approve the weekly reports that have been sent?
A: Yes, On the Home page under the Pending Approval Section.